Breaking the Cycle of Anxious Parenting Certification!

Simple Strategies Raising Teens
view_module Modules 3
menu_book Sessions 9

About This Product:

Engage in happier communication with your teen, and learn simple secrets to emotionally connect with your teen.  Discover quick ways to shift your mindset so you can minimize conflicts, access peace, and trust your teen’s journey.


Children think differently, face so many distractions, and endure overwhelming stress.  A major goal of parenting is to prepare our children for adulthood. You’re probably exhausted by frequent conflicts and worries that fill you with uncertainty wondering if your child’s equipped to successfully navigate life as an adult.  

Breaking the Cycle of Anxious Parenting offers simple strategies to finally end your daily worries.  Do you want to discover how to parent with peace starting today? Or will you continue the parenting style that was passed on to you?  At the end of this online course, you will receive a certificate as proof that you have completed the "Breaking the Cycle of Anxious Parenting" to remind you that you are on your way to parenting your teen without anxiety.

Click below and break the cycle of anxious parenting by starting the first module today.   If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to email me at  

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Connect with me on social media:

Karen Gibson (@lettinggowithaloha) | TikTok

Home Page - Letting Go with Aloha

(110) Letting Go with Aloha - YouTube (YouTube channel)

An Individual’s experience may not represent the typical participant. Your background, education, experience, and work ethic may differ. This is used as an example and not a guarantee of success. Individuals do not track the typicality of their student's experiences. Your results may vary.

Program Details

Accessing the right mindset to crush your limiting beliefs
Available Now
Understanding Your Fears
Available Now
Retraining Your Brain
Available Now

Learning Your Teen's Love Language: Foster healthier interactions
Available Now
Discover Your Teen's Primary Learning Style
Available Now
Permissive? Authoritarian? Democratic? Parenting styles affect your child's future as an adult!
Available Now

Tips on managing your emotions: Fears, anxieties, and stress are caused by triggering events.
Available Now
How to Reduce Worries: Learn how to trust your teen's journey & interrupt the worry cycle
Available Now
Redefine Your Parenting Role: Your goal is to know your role according to your teen's needs.
Available Now

What Do People Think About This Program?


Denisse Chavez
Mar 25, 2023
Karen, thank you so much for the parenting Master Mind class!!! It was exactly what I needed! 🙏🏽 For years I struggled with the fear of my daughter wanting to leave the house as a teen. 💜In my dad’s side all his siblings ran away at one point or another. My brother and I both ran away too. You answered it perfectly in the parenting styles. They are all authoritative parents in that side of the family. I felt like I finally caught my breath after stressing. At one point my parents even said that my daughter will have a bedroom at their place when she has problems with me. That parenting dynamic is generational trauma. Thank YOU for the reminder and peace of mind. You hit the nail on the head of the true root issue! Thank you for also helping me and so many other parents in your coaching! 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
Mar 25, 2023
Karen guides you to understand key aspects in our thoughts, feelings, and making decisions that will be more beneficial for us. She uplifts in defining learning styles, parenting styles, and love languages. She identifies how complementary our styles are and it’s useful for parenting. She speaks with ease and with variety to keep your attention. Her positive energy reminds you throughout the course how it’s possible for us to break the cycle of anxious parenting. She delivered helpful tips that will increase your confidence as a parent. I highly recommend you take this course for personal self-development.
William Klaproth
Mar 24, 2023
Karen's approach is warm, compassionate, and highly insightful, making this course a joy to follow. She provides a wealth of practical strategies and techniques that parents can use to break free from the cycle of anxious parenting. From mindfulness and breathing exercises to cognitive reframing and problem-solving strategies, Karen's guidance is both evidence-based and highly effective. What sets this course apart, is Karen's deep understanding of the emotional challenges that come with parenting. She offers a safe and supportive space for parents to explore their feelings and provides guidance on how to develop greater self-awareness and self-compassion. I highly recommend Karen's course to any parent who is looking to improve their parenting skills, manage their anxiety, and cultivate greater emotional resilience. Karen's insights and guidance are truly transformative, and I have no doubt that this course will make a positive impact on the lives of parents and their children alike.
David Klaproth
Mar 26, 2023
Karen is extremely knowledgeable and has a warm, friendly demeanor. She was able to provide valuable insights into various parenting strategies and provided practical advice that I was able to implement right away. The course was very well-organized and easy to navigate. The platform used for the class was user-friendly and allowed for easy viewing and downloading of the materials. I found the course content engaging and informative, and I found myself eager to log in and continue learning each day. The class also offered helpful resources such as articles and quizzes that helped to reinforce the concepts covered. Overall, I would highly recommend this course to anyone looking to improve their parenting skills. The class is informative, and provides practical strategies for building strong relationships with our children. I left the class feeling more confident, mindful and empowered, and I am grateful for the knowledge and resources I gained from this experience. Thank you Karen!
Karen Gibson

Karen Gibson, wife, daughter, parent coach, and author founded Letting Go with Aloha in 2019, nurtured stressed parents and those in parenting roles to navigate their journey with peace instead of pain.
See Full Biography >
Gibson wrote "Mama's Gotta Let Go: How to Let Go without Losing Your Sanity," which rated #2 in different categories on Amazon Kindle.  She founded Brain Builders, a private tutoring business in 1999, whose mission is to prepare students to succeed in and out of the classroom. As a certified neuro-linguistic practitioner, she helps her clients rewire their brains to improve communication and problem-solving skills while overcoming limiting beliefs. She recently co-authored "The Power to Rise," along with 29 women across the globe sharing her story of "The Gift of a Failed Suicide Attempt."  In 2021, she wrote, "One Hundred Parenting Tips Inspired by the Pandemic." Learn more about Karen by visiting her YouTube channel, TikTok, and Instagram @ Letting Go with Aloha.  Her website: includes other services, articles, media interviews, videos, and more.  

See Short Biography >

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